Monday, 7 May 2012

Unsexy Times...

This is probably one of the most common questions I (and I am sure other sex workers) get asked... My answer is always the same... So I thought I'd post it up here. This is a mix and match of a few different pieces I've written over the years for People Mag...

Q: Do you ever have times when you just can't get in the mood for sex? I'm sure you're not “on” all the time. And what if the guy is really fat and ugly? What do you do then?

Surprisingly enough, even a super sex goddess like myself has down days. We all do. It's a part of life. You know those days when you hate everyone and want to avoid human contact wherever possible. Where no matter what anyone says or does they're just irritating and in your way and you wish you were like one of those lizards that can flash bright, warning colours so other creatures know to stay away. Or those blue days when you just feel low for no reason and even shitty ads on TV make you want to weep.

For me, those sorts of days are never anything too serious, I'm generally a pretty happy and positive person and usually reserve those sorts of moods for when I'm having my period. But every now and then, sometimes for no particular reason, I have a bit of a blah moment. 

Like I might wake up with a horrible red pimple right in the middle of my face or feel bloated and sluggish from something I ate the day before. My hair might be having one of its fits and morphed itself into an untameable crazy-cat-lady style, or I could just get up on the wrong side of bed and be in a “Don't-talk-to-me-til-I've-had-my-coffee” kind of mood. Whatever it is, there are some days when I look at myself in the mirror and think “ugh, what happened to you??”

It helps if you're able to recognise these moods because there's usually something you can do to make yourself feel a bit better, and it also helps if people around you can spot them too.

Of course, if you're anything like me, you'll probably want to rip the head off the person who even merely suggests you might be in a bad mood, but at least they'll know to steer clear, or bring you chocolate, or not completely hold a grudge when you go mental at them for chewing their toast too loudly. 

When I was working and having one of those days the last thing I wanted to do is work. I don't think it would be fair of me to turn up and give a half hearted service or be irritable and unfriendly towards the client. Not only would it be completely unprofessional of me, it would also be a waste of my clients' time and money. The whole point of my job, and the most important aspect of it, is making the client feel good so I usually won't take any bookings if I'm feeling lack lustre. Of course, considering I often worked late into the night, there have obviously been a couple of times where I've felt tired and over it but have a job booked, so there are certain things I can do to help me perk up a bit.

The first thing I try and do is eat the right food for the right moment. For example, if I know I'm going to be at a job for more than a couple of hours then I make sure I eat bananas or Weetbix or some other low GI food before I leave, which keeps my stamina up for the job. I also try and make sure I have something like a bag of barley sugars or jelly snakes in the car. The quick sugar fix is great for a quick burst of energy, especially at 3am when it's just too ridiculous to think of having a coffee or energy drink.

I should point out, however, that I am very lucky in the fact that it doesn't take a lot for me to want to have sex. Getting “in the mood” isn't something I have to work too hard at, I'm almost always up for the suggestion. I can't really explain it, I've always been this way. If I could bottle it I would and not only make myself rich, but make millions of people around the world happy and satisfied.

But, in saying all that, sometimes it's not me at all. Sometimes, no matter how “in the mood” I am something about the job just turns me off.

Now, don't get me wrong. I don’t have too many expectations when I go to a booking. I know not every job is going to be with a super-spunky, mega-rich playboy in a suite at the Hyatt and that’s okay. I genuinely enjoy meeting people. I really do. I like people, and people are short, tall, fat, thin, bald, hairy, old and young. I honestly don’t give a crap about that outer stuff. I've met enough good looking guys who are idiots and not-so good looking guys who are fabulous to know that the aesthetics don't count.

You could be a lawn mower or a lawyer; eighteen or eighty, it really doesn’t matter. The only thing I expect, and I don’t think it’s too much to ask, is that A) you are friendly, and B) you are clean.

As for the first part, I luckily haven’t come across too many total fuckwits - it’s not that easy being a bastard when a gorgeous girl has your cock in her hands - but when it comes to the latter, there have been a few times when I've turned up at a job and the guy is unclean and totally smelly.

Just so you know, I’m not really talking about those been-out-all-night-drinking-and-dancing smells, those are the inevitable odours of a night on the town and, although they don’t compare to baking bread or fresh brewing coffee, I can usually handle them. But there’s one smell that gets to me and makes taking my clothes off the last thing I want to do, and that’s the rancid, sour smell of stale sweat.

You know the one that lingers in stifled peak-hour trains in summer and seems to permeate and take up residence in your nostrils so that even when you've got off the train and back into the fresh air you can still smell it? Yeah... That's the smell I mean.

I could understand if I was to get to the client's place at 5:30pm and, because he's just finished work, he is still in his work clothes and hasn't had time to shower or change, but I’m talking about those times when I get there around 9pm and he's still in those clothes. The sweat patches have dried to these greasy, yellow-looking stains under the armpits and around the collar, there’s a bit of lunch still on the front of his shirt and everything he has eaten and drunk since waking up is still on his breath.

I mean come on. It’s not like they didn’t know I was coming over, like I just turned up unannounced on the doorstep looking for a booty call. They've called and arranged the specific time for me to arrive and, not only that, they've called for the sole reason of getting as physically close to another person as one can get. Surely there was enough time to jump through the shower or at least change clothes.

Usually I can avoid being rude or causing embarrassment by suggesting we start the booking with a shower or, if available, a spa. Even if they're not all stinky, it’s a great way to start a sexy session anyway. If that doesn’t work then I’ll go to plan B: A sensual massage with aromatic oil. It’s not as effective as actually washing, but it does an okay job of masking the smell for the hour or so I’m with them and, just like the shower, it’s a fun way to get things going.

But really, Guys, if you're reading this, the next time you arrange for a sexy visitor to come over, give yourself a bit of a sniff or, better yet, once you’ve made the call, just go straight to the shower to have a wash and clean your teeth. It’s really not that hard and, most importantly, makes it a better night for everyone involved. And by everyone, I mean me... I know you'll have a good time, no matter what!

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